
Today is Lammas. I’ve written about it in general terms before, so I won’t be going over what it is and how to celebrate – there’s plenty of ways to explore that on this big Internet-place.

This year, I’m truly pondering what Harvest my household is bringing in.

July was virtually barren in this part of the world. No rain at all. Yellowing fields, parched crops, pups who couldn’t understand why there were no daytime walks… and I felt stifled by the heat. It’s very unusual to have such a long period of intense sun here. Our one and only fan broke, and it turned out to be an almost fruitless quest to find another – there were none to be had in the main towns and cities around!

July saw me more or less constantly covered in sweat and with an overheated brain that just wanted to rest.

So when the rains finally came last week, they truly were like a cooling balm. The ground feels ‘well’ again, and activities (for ourselves and the pups) can resume.

This has got me pondering (of course). We are so intrinsically connected to our home habitats. We were forced to realize the effect that such extremes of weather can have. As with people trying and failing to carry on as normal in deep snow, those heading outside without protection found themselves needing medical attention. We have to adjust to our circumstances – which we have, in part, helped to create.

I’ve been doing what I can during the period of Enforced Rest due to Heat. A lot of the time, this has involved siestas, either to read or simply to think and dream. I’ve been listening, prioritising, endeavouring to realign myself with the flow that I need to be in right now. Certain things have become clearer as a result.

I’ve cleared my timetable of some commitments, giving me more time to plan and do. I’m writing more (see?). I’m figuring out where my heart wants me to go, and what I can reasonably do to make this happen.

I’ve found myself working more with deity, especially after a recent trip to Denmark for a beautiful Handfasting. Nothing like talking to Norse folk in their own backyard… and then realizing that as we fly home, so they’re here too, in my own ancestry, my visible DNA.


I see so many people trying to work out what they want from the world, and what they can do to achieve it. LGBTQ+ Pride. Protests to express strength and determination. Personal power standing up to create change.

Perhaps, as the cold, long winter forced us to stay inside and share time and stories, so this Summer is pushing us in a similar way. To do what we can. To celebrate who we are, truly. To look around and say Yes! (Or No)

My household has also found itself undertaking a belated ‘Spring Clean’. Tidying, getting rid of what is no longer needed, reworking space and items to better fit. Inevitably, old things are rediscovered. Unwanted items are passed on to those who can use them. Home-space is being reworked in readiness for the time to come.

This is my harvest, as it begins. Working to explore the ideas that have come about over this warm season. Setting space for them. Preparing for the next turn of the year, by focusing on what fuels us and changing our surroundings accordingly. Storing up, ready for winter.

I see the berries on the bushes, appearing early but not quite ready yet. I see many bees and butterflies, busy about their work, transforming themselves and their homes.

I take time as needed. I do what I can. I share with others, for we are all connected. I’m inspired by the land and people around, the ‘vibes’ of the world right now. I stand in hope this Lammas-tide, that we can make our space what we need it to be.

I give thanks for the love of a good home. For laughing company, through thick and thin. For determination and the energy to express it. For connection with those who guide me. For the strength to step back when self-care time is needed.

What is our harvest this year, truly?

Raising a glass to you all, my friends. Thank you for continuing to keep me company in these interesting times. Much love x


  1. Jill Johnson- Dunne said

    Thank you 😎.
    Sending love and best wishes from Wales
    🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Xx

  2. Dealing with the heat seems to have been everyone’s theme recently, but your words “the ground feels ‘well’ again” really resonated with me. So often, in so many places, the ground lacks that feeling of wellness, but I didn’t have the words to describe it. Now it do. Thank you.

  3. Well said Cat. It sums up my feelings too a tea. x

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