‘A Druid’s Tale’

A Druid Priest tells the story of living her spirituality in the modern world, based on the popular blog.

Cover photograph by Peacock Pix

Reached #1 on Amazon’s ‘Druidry’ and ‘Earth-Based Religion’ categories!

What do people think of when they hear the word ‘Druidry?’ The real questions, not the ‘old men in white robes’ stereotypes. What makes a Druid? What do they do?

Having been a practising Druid for over ten years, Cat Treadwell thought the same. Asked to present a talk at a national Pagan Festival, and unsure exactly what the audience would want to hear, she started a blog, asking friends and colleagues (Muggle and Pagan) what they would like to know about the Druid Path.

Two years later, they’re still asking.

This book hopes to answer some of those questions. For the benefit of those who prefer the more traditional methods of finding information, Cat has compiled and expanded on some of the more common queries (‘So, do you worship the sun?’) as well as focusing on the day-to-day aspects of Druidry as a lived path, constantly evolving to be relevant and accessible in the modern world.

‘A Druid’s Tale’ is £11.99 (+ £2.50 P&P) paperback. Signed copies are available directly from me – click here to order.

If a specific message is required, please let me know when ordering.

The Kindle version is available here and .epub format via iTunes Bookstore.

‘A very lively and interesting example of a how it is book of modern spirituality, as opposed to a how to one: and thus one of the best illustrations of how Druidry is lived that I have seen.’ – Professor Ronald Hutton, University of Bristol. Author of ‘The Triumph of the Moon’ & ‘Blood and Mistletoe: The History of the Druids in Britain’

‘Spun from personal experience, A Druids Tale is a refreshingly honest, accessible guide to a belief system that is as valid today as it was in ancient times. Non-formulaic, non-exclusive and never preachy, this is an essential read for anyone interested in this vast and fascinating topic.’ – Russell Whitfield, Author of ‘Gladiatrix’ and ‘Roma Victrix’

‘Cat is one of those rare gems. What you see is what you get and what you get is all good. In this her first book she demonstrates very accurately her own view and personal commitment to her path. Typical of her she is a guide and never dogmatic, but certainly worth following. I was fortunate enough to be at her first talk where we rather put her on the spot and she took up the challenge. I was even more fortunate to be at the following years talk where she filled the room. I am even more fortunate to have her as a dear friend.– John Belham-Payne, Co-Founder, The Centre for Pagan Studies

‘From the spring of new introductory guides to Druidry, this is a book very much written in the informal style of a modern web blog. Warm, bubbly and accessible, it reveals the honest thinking and wakeful self-reflection that should be the foundation of every personal exploration of Druidry – indeed, any belief system – today.’ – Emma Restall Orr, Founder of ‘The Druid Network’ and Author of ‘Living Druidry’ and ‘Living with Honour: A Pagan Ethics’.

‘What strikes me the most, when I’m among modern Druids, is their sheer love of life! They are able to express their connection to the land, respect for living things and reverence for the gods in a far richer way than I have been used to as a Priest of another tradition. Yes, like other religions, Druids use ritual and ceremony, but not in a dry and formal way. They have MORE. They have an extra ingredient – ART. Druidry is an artistic belief system that awakens and celebrates creativity with passion and power. It holds together, in perfect balance, both the Priestly and the Bardic dimensions. It is this combination of Priest and Bard that comes across with shining lights in Cat’s beautiful book. It is alive, alive with life itself! It is a book written from the heart of a true Priest of nature, with every bit of Bardic magic infused. Covering much new ground, Cat imparts information in a perfectly natural and conversational manner, her poetic imagination making the reading a pure delight.

It is also deeply human. Interspersed are deliciously authentic and highly personal anecdotes that give the book an extra spark of raw humanity. Unlike many modern day spiritual guides and gurus Cat does not attempt to be the archetypal wisdom teacher, sat high upon a throne of perfection. She sits down with us, and opens her heart, sharing both her vulnerability as well as her life-learned lessons. Life can be hard or mundane or confusing, and the Druidry spoken of here is for just such a life. You will find no pie in the sky platitudes, but earthy soul-guidance for real people. Cat paints a picture of a spiritual way of life that stretches, breathes, allows movement and flexibility. Not a religion of perfection and certainties but one that makes sense of life with all its mess and muddle. One that can adapt, embrace and grow.

And not only is this book informative, it is also incredibly practical with pages of time tested and experience gained suggestions on how to bring a dynamic and authentic druidry into one’s own life. In the future, when people ask me which book on Druidry I recommend for someone who really wants to experience what being a Druid means, this will most definitely be among the first that come to mind. I know for certain that it will make enormous sense to all those who have felt that natural inner stirring of nature’s magic them, yet have never found the words to name it or express it.’ – Revd. Mark Townsend, author of ‘Jesus Through Pagan Eyes’ and ‘Path of the Blue Raven’.

‘I have stood on a mountain-top in Wales on a freezing dawn after an hour’s hard walk, watching the sun rise over the sea and sharing visions.

I have stood in the rain, soaked through, cloak stuck to me and laughing as the wind whips around me, painted with ochre as I dance with the spirits of the forest.

I have sat in the dark, alone, at the bottom of a pit, unsure even of which direction to look next, let alone where to step.

In the American West, in the days of open frontier, there was a character known as the Wagonmaster, whose job it was to gather folks together in the city, and guide them across dangerous, wonderful and uncharted wilderness to a new life in a new world. Pilgrims chose a Wagonmaster not just by what he had to say, but even more so by how he looked and felt. He looked like someone who had spent ages in the wilderness; felt like someone who understood the unknown. In A Druid’s Tale, Cat Treadwell looks and feels like a spiritual Wagonmaster. She has been there. She has made the journey before. She not only knows how to tell us about it, she knows how to take us in hand and lead us into the wilderness. She is a reliable guide. That is the value of her book. Anyone can write about Druidry, but only a few special folks can take us there. Be prepared for a deep and meaningful journey.’ – Walter William Melnyk, author of ‘Tales of Avalon’, and co-author, with Emma Restall Orr, of ‘The Apple and the Thorn’.


  1. chris said

    Hi Cat
    I met you briefly at Julia and Matt’s wedding . I would love to find out more about Druidry rather than an observer’s view . I will look forward to reading your book

  2. Ju said

    Chris, a different Cat, but equally lovely (maybe it goes with the name). If we got married again, I would consult this Cat on how to make an even more amazing and personal ceremony.

  3. so where will we get a copy when it comes out Cat? Will you have copies at Lin Dhu?

    • druidcat said

      Thanks for your interest, folks! It will soon have its own Amazon page, but I will also be putting up a link here (so you can get signed copies from me directly), or from Moon Books themselves. And hopefully it’ll be in all decent bookshops! I will certainly be bringing copies to Lin Dhu, Druid Camp and (hopefully) Brigantia Camp too – so it should be easy to get hold of. 🙂

  4. Lesley Morgan said

    Hi Cat
    Will this be available on Kindle at all? I’m finding that I read easier on that given my eyesight is rotten…lol
    Thank you
    Lesley /|\

  5. Lesley Morgan said

    Excellent news re Kindle. Thank you /|\

  6. Jeffrey said

    Congrats on the upcoming book! This seems just what I need right now!!

    How can those of us outside the UK pre-order a signed copy from you?


  7. druidcat said

    Exactly the same as everyone else! If you go ahead and pre-order via the Paypal link, I’ll update on postage nearer the release date, based on country that I’m sending too. I don’t think there’ll be much of an extra charge, unless you’d specifically prefer speedier shipping methods (eg Fedex).

    Thank you for the kind words, I do hope you like the book!

    • Jeffrey said

      Thanks, Cat. I just pre-ordered the copy and am so looking forward to your signing it!
      Congrats again!!

  8. […] Cat on her blog The Catbox, on twitter as @druid_cat, and in the pages of her forthcoming book, ‘A Druid’s Tale’. We can be found at our new Facebook page (search for ‘Divine Community’) or at the blog, […]

  9. Hi, Druidcat! Thanks so much for the “like” on my blog post!
    Your book sounds fascinating — I’m looking forward to getting it when it comes out.
    (Donna Gillespie)

    • druidcat said

      Thank YOU, Donna! Russ Whitfield gave me your book years ago… And this week I bought my third copy, as it keeps getting borrowed permanently!

      Very much looking forward to the e-version. I will be recommending it!

  10. Thanks so much, Cat! Your site is really beautiful.
    And it looks like we both know Russ Whitfield! He’s loads of fun, isn’t he? He came out to SF once and we did the “pub crawl” together. Small world, no?

  11. operacat said

    I am so looking forward to reading this!!

  12. Liz Rose said

    People often say ” this book changed my life”…well..it hasn’t…it has re-affirmed my faith in MY life. As one little mote in the universe I am now connected to an unimaginable number of other “motes” and will grow as a human being as a result of this. If you can read this …read the book! thank you Cat x

  13. Hello Cat,

    I’m about halfway through ‘A Druid’s Tale’ and I’m really enjoying it. Though, the argumentative side of my nature is disappointed that I have not yet found anything in your words that I disagree with.
    Congratulations on writing such an excellently communicative book, I’m looking forward to reading the remainder.


  14. Ft. Badger said


    My wife and I are taking turns reading your book to each other. Kudos on a job well done!

    Warmest regards

  15. […] to Druidry. Yes, I am talking about Cat Treadwell, and specifically a passage from her book “A Druid’s Tale“. This is one of my go-to references, when I am needing inspiration on my own Spiritual path, […]

  16. […] as I started walking down a Path of Priestly concepts and functions. Cat Treadwell‘s book, A Druid’s Tale, has provided so much inspiration to me along my Path.I have literally read through this book four […]

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