Archive for September, 2022

What are We Doing?

Time moves on and this country takes another turn… possibly backwards. I feel so tired and helpless, but then I ask myself what I can do.

I can write. I can speak. I can keep doing those things, even if my words get banned (as this blog already is in China).

I can stand. I can put my money where my mouth is, walk the talk, however you wish to phrase it. Or I can sit and refuse to move. I’m quite solid like that.

I can question. Ask why? Demand explanations, accountability. Point out the cruelty of systems that consist only of red tape. Note the encroaching litigation against protest.

I can publicly hug those who may be social pariahs. I will continue to marry those who ask, and push for legalisation of it. Regardless of colour, gender, mobility or what’s in their pants. Yes, love is love.

I have the image of the ‘Watchmen’ doom clock in my head, of 1930s Berlin. Because that awareness is present, I sincerely hope that what we do makes a difference. The warnings are going off, and we cannot hide.

What am I doing? No. What are WE doing. We must stand together.

I write this, holding out my hand and hoping so very hard.

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